Plants from the high-lime plots grew better on calcareous soil . 高石灰小区的植株在石灰质土上生成较好。
Study of ca-p distribution and transformation feature in calcareous soil 分布及转化特征的研究
Research on bearing behaviour of pile in calcareous soil of coral reef 珊瑚礁钙质土中桩基工程承载性状研究
The geotechnical characters of calcareous soils and the pile foundation engineering 钙质土工程特性及其桩基工程
Mineralization and nitrification of soil ni trogen in calcareous soil profile 石灰性土壤剖面氮素的矿化和硝化作用
P . the activity of neutral phosphatase was stronger than the alkaline phosphatase in the tested calcareous soils 在供试的石灰性土壤中以中性磷酸酶活性最高。
Pteris vittata l ., an indicator plant for calcareous soils, is an as-hyperaccumulator newly discovered by chen et al . in china 蜈蚣草是世界上首次报道的一种砷超富集植物,同时也是钙质土壤的指示植物。
The phosphorus activation coefficient ( pac ) was generally lower in different soil layers and at different fertility levels in calcareous soils 石灰性土壤中磷素活化系数pac在不同肥力土壤和不同土层中普遍较低。
Introduction iron chlorosis of food crop plants and fruit trees grown on alkaline, or calcareous soils is a widespread agricultural problem in the world 碱性及钙质土壤上粮食作物和果树的缺铁现象在世界范围内普遍存在。